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Posts tagged “black

A front-runner with a discernible Negro dialect

It’s a classic Wesley Snipes punchline from the 1992 suspense thriller Passenger 57:

If you follow the Ever Red State Network fan page, you may have noticed that I use the phrase to compliment Herman Cain when he makes one of his pithy, well-placed comments: “Always bet on black.”

But let’s be honest: we loved his candidacy and his message, and sighed because we never thought he’d make it as far as he has.

I certainly did. That was why I liked Donald Trump’s brief flirtation with the race, because he was the only person polling high who could fearlessly stick it to President Hussein.

Now, we see the front-runner status diverging among three candidates. One of them is a clever career businessman with a master’s degree, a proud military record, the favor of the Tea Party, immunity from the race card (though it has been tried), and (perhaps best of all), dark skin and a discernible Negro dialect.

And he too speaks fearlessly in confronting the president.

Were they not such pigheaded fools protected by a compliant media, Harry Reid and Joe Biden could be taken to the woodshed for their blatant hypocrisy and bigotry by this measure alone.

Come to think of it, an awful lot of the media who protect Reid and Biden wondered aloud and in print whether President Hussein was “black enough” to relate to the issues and concerns of American blacks.

And now that the president has revealed that Obama couldn’t care less one way or the other, black leaders are hectoring his aides into uttering the word “black,” as though it has been made a byword in America.

You have to read all of this in context, bearing in mind that blacks have now held some of the highest government offices in the land, including the presidency, heads of the Justice and State departments, national security advisor, House majority whip, Supreme Court judgeships, leadership of the Republican National Committee and (in an irony of few equals) headship of the Democrat Party.

But in the political chaos of the Age of Obama, nothing turns the left’s narrative on its head like the emergence of a black front-runner, chosen from the Tea Party, with eloquence on par, yet boasting the meaningless genetic and hereditary elements liberals yearned for in their false god of 2008: slave blood, dark skin and a Negro dialect.

Now don’t get nervous. You know I have never been shy about race, mostly because I have plenty to answer for without God’s mercy and nothing to lose otherwise.

And you know I could care less about color, because you know that a person’s skin color is perceived by the eye rather than actually beheld – an image of light bouncing off of an object, refracted by the human eye into the opposite of what it actually is.

At least, you ought to know that. But you may have attended public schools, so we’ll go easy on you.

Wouldn’t it be the mockery of mockeries – in this, of all election years – to nominate Cain to run against the clean, articulate black man, the light-skinned one with no Negro dialect, unless he chose to have one? I can think of nothing more destructive to the left’s stranglehold on the black vote than a Cain presidency.

More importantly, Cain’s ascendancy would re-establish Reaganism at the helm of the Republican Party.

Whereas Mitt Romney would embody George H.W. Bush’s second term, and Rick Perry would do likewise as George W. Bush’s third – leaving us on shaky footing when it comes to defending or standing for what the GOP does – Cain’s election spells doom for establishment Republicans.

One would think, at this stage of the game, that the Consensitive Mod Squad would be laying as low in their opposition to Tea Party leadership as they do to Democrats. After all, didn’t they just lose a huge swath of their numbers in the 2010 primaries? Democrats running for re-election have more horse sense than these RINOs.

Cain has risen as a favorite of the Tea Party to begin with. He has no career record as a politician, but is instead the “citizen-legislator” (or in this case, “citizen-executive”) the Founding Fathers envisaged.

Cain has never stood for anything but Tea Party conservatism, to include low taxes (such as the 9-9-9 plan), opposition to socialized medicine, and border security (without tuition discounts for the children of illegals).

There’s still a long way to go before this is over. But let the record show that long before the Democrat Party ever got close to nominating a black man with a strong accent …

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